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Hunter Restorative Community Inc. Membership Application Form

ABN 97 288 021 260   Y2100750

I would like to support the work of the Hunter Restorative Community Inc. by becoming an annual member. I agree to pay the annual membership fee of:

Bank transfer  for Membership Fee

On acceptance of your application, we will provide Bank Transfer Details, via email.


Ticking of both boxes is required:

I understand my details will be kept on Hunter Restorative Community Inc.’s Full Register of Members and only made available to Fair Trading staff and other persons legally entitled to view it.
I understand that my details on the Hunter Restorative Community’s Register of Members will remain confidential, apart from my name which will be provided for copy and inspection, if requested by a member of the public (as allowed under section 11 of the HRC Inc. Constitution and required by law), on a Register for Inspection containing only names of members of the association and the date on which they became a member.